Tech worker, Queens native, and Community Organizer. Representing State Senate District 59.

Kristen is the proud daughter of an immigrant family, Queens native, community organizer, and a former tech worker.

She currently represents New York State Senate District 59, covering parts of Western Queens, Northern Brooklyn and the East Side of Manhattan.

She is running for re-election because she understands that Albany has a way to go to accomplish giving everyone the right to a dignified life, and that they shouldn’t have to struggle for it.

Help build our Movement!

Our representatives in Albany are putting the profits of millionaire landlords and power plant owners before our lives and our futures. That’s why our campaign rejects all corporate and fossil fuel donations.

We’re powered by small donors like you because we believe that’s who our electeds should be accountable to.

Our BIG Plans for Albany

Reimagine Housing

People shouldn’t have to struggle to keep a roof over their head while landlords get rich by raising rents. We must guarantee housing as a human right.

Green New York

People shouldn’t have to breathe poisoned air or die in flooded basements while fossil fuel companies make billions killing our planet. We must build publicly-owned renewable energy.

Restore Healthcare

People shouldn’t have to decide between a trip to the emergency room and putting food on the table. We must provide single-payer health care in New York State.

Join Our Movement

We're building a different kind of campaign, one led by hundreds of volunteers as part of a larger democratic socialist movement. Sign up to help us knock on our neighbors’ doors, hang up posters on your block, call voters, and get out every single vote on June 25th.

Proudly Endorsed By

Communication Workers of America


Sunrise NYC

504 Democratic Club

Eleanor’s Legacy

Working Families Party

NYS Nurses Association


Make the Road Action

Metropolitan Council on Housing

Drum Beats

Citizen Action of
New York

NYC District
Council of



Planned Parenthood
Political Action


Transport Workers Union

United Federation
of Teachers

Run for Something

Brooklyn Young Democrats

Tile, Marble & Terrazzo Union Local #7

Latino Victory Fund

1199 SEIU

Eleanor Roosevelt Independent Democrats

Downtown Women
for Change

Voters for Animal Rights

NYS Public Employees Federation AFL-CIO

The Jewish Vote


Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local #1

Streets PAC

Lead Locally

LAMBDA Independent Democrats of Brooklyn

Tenants PAC

NYIC Action

New York Communities for Change

NYC Central Labor Council AFL-CIO

Stonewall Democrats of NYC

In the News